65424 Cannot open file "%s". %s 65425 Invalid property value 65426 Invalid data type for '%s' 65427 List capacity out of bounds (%d) 65428 List count out of bounds (%d) 65429 List index out of bounds (%d) 65430 Stream read error 65431 Failed to get data for '%s' 65432 %s.Seek not implemented 65433 Operation not allowed on sorted list 65434 Stream write error 65440 Mon 65441 Tue 65442 Wed 65443 Thu 65444 Fri 65445 Sat 65446 Sunday 65447 Monday 65448 Tuesday 65449 Wednesday 65450 Thursday 65451 Friday 65452 Saturday 65453 Cannot assign a %s to a %s 65454 String list does not allow duplicates 65455 Cannot create file "%s". %s 65456 Oct 65457 Nov 65458 Dec 65459 January 65460 February 65461 March 65462 April 65463 May 65464 June 65465 July 65466 August 65467 September 65468 October 65469 November 65470 December 65471 Sun 65472 Interface not supported 65473 Exception in safecall method 65474 %s (%s, line %d) 65475 Abstract Error 65476 Access violation at address %p in module '%s'. %s of address %p 65477 System Error. Code: %d. \n%s 65478 A call to an OS function failed 65479 Jan 65480 Feb 65481 Mar 65482 Apr 65483 May 65484 Jun 65485 Jul 65486 Aug 65487 Sep 65488 Write 65489 Error creating variant or safe array 65490 Variant or safe array index out of bounds 65491 Variant or safe array is locked 65492 Invalid variant type conversion 65493 Invalid variant operation 65494 Invalid variant operation (%s%.8x)\n%s 65495 Could not convert variant of type (%s) into type (%s) 65496 Overflow while converting variant of type (%s) into type (%s) 65497 Variant overflow 65498 Invalid argument 65499 Invalid variant type 65500 Operation not supported 65501 Unexpected variant error 65502 External exception %x 65503 Assertion failed 65504 Floating point division by zero 65505 Floating point overflow 65506 Floating point underflow 65507 Invalid pointer operation 65508 Invalid class typecast 65509 Access violation at address %p. %s of address %p 65510 Access violation 65511 Stack overflow 65512 Control-C hit 65513 Privileged instruction 65514 Exception %s in module %s at %p. \n%s%s \n 65515 Application Error 65516 Format '%s' invalid or incompatible with argument 65517 No argument for format '%s' 65518 Variant method calls not supported 65519 Read 65520 '%s' is not a valid integer value 65521 Invalid argument to time encode 65522 Invalid argument to date encode 65523 Out of memory 65524 I/O error %d 65525 File not found 65526 Invalid filename 65527 Too many open files 65528 File access denied 65529 Read beyond end of file 65530 Disk full 65531 Invalid numeric input 65532 Division by zero 65533 Range check error 65534 Integer overflow 65535 Invalid floating point operation